Upcoming Events

Here are some upcoming events in Town:

Saturday, Sept. 24th, 12pm – 4pm
@ the Stuyvesant Train Depot

There will also be a repair cafe hosted by Christian Sweningson. Table donation fee of $10 to benefit Depot Fundraising. For additional information contact Lee Jamison.

Saturday, Oct. 1st 8am – 3pm
Salt Shed site, Sharptown Road

Residents can get their FREE punch cards from the Town Clerk’s Office beginning Sept. 15th, please be prepared to show proof of residency (something with your physical address shown).

You are allowed 2 trips with the punch card. A loaded vehicle + a loaded trailer will be considered the 2 trips. NEW: Allowed tralers will only be single axle trailers that do not exceed 12′ in length.

What you can bring: “bulky” trash, electronics (TVs, recorders, computers, etc.), appliances. Small items must be in a container.

What you cannot bring: Hazardous materials and household waste

For additional information contact the Town Clerk’s Office or the Highway Department.

Saturday, Oct. 8th 3pm – 7pm
Stuyvesant Town Hall, 5 Sunset Dr.

Come spend the evening with neighbors listening to music, having something to eat, looking at beautiful vehicles, and maybe start Holiday shopping.

This is a vendor fair that will have food vendors, craft/direct sales vendors, local businesses & organizations. There will also be vehicle cruise — any vehicle welcome. Are you or someone you know interested in selling crafts or are a locaL business? There are no vendor fees and no registration fees for the vehicles. Contact the Town Clerk to sign up — [email protected]. There is no pre-registration requirement for the participants in the Cruise-In.

Saturday, Oct. 29th 1pm – 3pm
Stuyvesant Town Hall, 5 Sunset Dr.

The annual party for that is free and welcomes children from Stuyvesant and surrounding communities. They will be treated to games, prizes, treats, music, and a costume parade. Volunteers are needed for Oct. 28th to decorate. Volunteers will also be needed on the 29th at the party to help with refreshments, run/watch games, maintain some order, and clean up. If you aren’t a party-person, we welcome donations of treats – either baked at home or purchased.

Please contact Cathy Knott for additional information or to volunteer.

It’s going to busy around town for the next several weeks — hope to see you at one of these events!

Sent 9/13/22